Travelling – day 326

Happy 4 year wedding anniversary to us!!! Can’t quite believe it’s already been 4 years but wow – what a four years it’s been! We have been fortunate enough to travel to the far flung corners of the world together and still save enough money to take a career break from work and follow our dreams. It’s been tough and it’s been stressful, but the smiles and laughter have more than made up for the tears and arguments. Right, enough with the soppy stuff, and on with our day… Which, unfortunately, was pretty non descriptive. Had to get up reasonably early to catch our shuttle bus transfer to Adelaide airport. As we sat in the YHA dining area, all of us nursing a coffee to wake us up, we clearly looked like a group of people who wanted to be left alone in peace and quiet. Clearly not portraying this emotion well enough, the very enthusiastic elderly lady who plonked herself down next to us started talking animatedly about all the places we should see in Australia. Don’t think we even managed to get a word in to tell her that we only had a week left in Australia and that Tracey was actually an Australian! Standing outside on the street, we waved the little old lady onto her tour bus for the day as we clamoured onto our shuttle bus. We were supposed to be the last pick up but another customer hadn’t been ready so he did a quick detour on the way to the airport. Turns out they still weren’t ready when we arrived but just as we were pulling out of the parking area they came dashing out. The driver called out the window that he’d turn around before doing a massive loop through the one way streets back to the hotel only to find out the women had decided to get a taxi instead… FFS. Everyone was slightly annoyed at how inconsiderate they had been, especially the driver as he ranted for the rest of the drive about all of us in the bus being on time at our pick up locations and needing to get us to the airport. Fortunately, we got to the airport in plenty of time and flew through checkin with the quickest typist ever on the desk. Jayne disappeared after security with the pretence of going to the toilet. In reality, she was buying me a trashy magazine and writing a (post)card for our wedding anniversary.  

A quick hour and a bit flight to Melbourne and we were saying goodbye to Tracey. Felt really strange waving her off on the SkyBus back to the train station as we rechecked in our bag and got our boarding passes for Tasmania later on that day. A rather uneventful day sat in the departures lounge in Melbourne domestic terminal, alternating between organising photos and trying to upload blogs. Deciding that the wifi wasn’t strong enough to cope with uploading photos, we got ourselves some burritos for lunch and settled down to watch ‘Lilo and Stitch’ on the netbook. Slightly stressful moment when boarding our flight when TigerAir did the RyanAir trick of weighing everyone’s hand luggage. We quickly ducked out of the queue and put the heavier things from Jaynes bag into mine and kept our fingers crossed that our bag weights would be okay. Mine was fine and just as Jayne was about to weigh hers, the woman behind us in the queue started talking to the stewardess which allowed us to sneak on to the plane with 7.8kg in the allowed 7kg hand luggage. Clearly, we weren’t the only ones as people started stripping off several layers of clothing as they boarded the plane with one group of women looking like they’d filled their hand luggage with Krispy Kreme donuts. 

A few episodes of ‘Friends’ and watching a stunning sunset from the window of the plane later and we had arrived in Hobart. Picked up our rental car from Thrifty and, as we were checking it over, two foreign gentlemen came over to ask what we were doing. When we told them we were checking for any damage so we didn’t get charged when we returned the car. Clearly novice car hirers, they said they didn’t knew they should do that and started to do the same – our good deed for the day!

With Jayne navigating, we quickly found our way to the hostel, parked the car outside and checked in. Slightly painful carrying all our stuff up three flights of stairs after being so tried from our day of doing nothing! The dorm room was like a sauna when we got in from the Dutch girl who was, evidently, trying to kill her cold with heat. The room, unfortunately, also had the same odour as our Kangaroo Island room of sweaty bodies. We headed over to Woolies and grabbed some food supplies before Jayne made dinner in the smallest kitchen we’ve ever had to use in a YHA. Slightly frustrating as you really can’t have more than two or three people in it at a time. After dinner, we went back to our room where the Dutch girl had turned off the heating (thank goodness) and cleaned up. Jayne opened her anniversary card from me and we both got into our separate beds to fall fast asleep. 

Sunday 28th August 2016